As you know our commitment is to our members, both their health and their ability to run their businesses. We’re doing our part and we appreciate your understanding of these changes during this period of hypervigilance.
In order to protect our community, we’ve implemented the following protocols and responsibilities for ourselves and our members.
Provident1898 members pledge to be specifically responsible for:
- Self-screening and staying away from the Provident1898 facility when they are sick or at high-risk of being contagious (even if asymptomatic) due to close contact with others who are sick
- Reporting promptly and proactively to Provident1898 if they test positive for COVID19
- Following safe social distancing guidance of 6-feet spacing while in Provident1898 shared spaces
- Wearing a face mask/covering throughout the space and particularly in situations when safe social distancing cannot be maintained
- Disinfecting shared work surfaces after each use (e.g. wipe down the desk/counter/conference table when you leave)
- Washing/sanitizing hands frequently through the day and follow other general guidelines for personal hygiene
- Ensuring their guests/visitors to the space (as permitted by Provident1898 guidelines) will follow the same practices above.
In an effort to ensure your safety, here’s what we’re doing:
- Clearly distributing and posting the current protocols for use of the space
- Ensuring that access to our common areas is controlled as if it is a private workspace–meaning non-member access must be limited/restricted–until such time as the stay-at-home orders are lifted [Current position: No gatherings larger than 10 people]
- Ensuring members have access to sanitizing products to clean their work surfaces
- Providing additional cleaning of high-frequency touch points during the business day (such as door handles, printers, conference phones, tables, chairs, coffee machine)
- Providing single-use options for certain shared resources where reasonable and without creating undue burden/waste
- Promoting safe social distancing with the layout of common area and maximum meeting room seating
- Updating guidance on meeting/group sizes as public health guidance evolves
- Notifying members if a confirmed case of COVID19 has been reported
- Providing a quarantine space for individuals (members or non-members) who present a risk to Provident1898 members until they can safely exit the facility